Case Studies

Commercial Property Market Study, M3 Corridor

Development – Appraisals, Delivery Plans, Development Management, Partnerships and Regen Cos
Property Market Analysis


Enterprise M3 Local Economic Partnership (LEP) commissioned AspinallVerdi and Regeneris to explore the market for commercial property along the M3 corridor.

Services Provided

Established the demand, supply and values for B1, B2, and B8 uses in the Enterprise M3 area. Also included comparison with relevant competitor areas to provide a full commercial context.

Engaged with key stakeholders, including agents and landowners in order to identify opportunities and constraints for strategic sites identified by Enterprise M3.

Focused on delivery and interventions, and the potential of commercial property markets to provide new space to accommodate employment growth. 


Our findings informed the Enterprise M3 Commercial Property Market Study (2016).
This report will be used to help in assessing funding decisions and the interventions made by the LEP to encourage future commercial development.  

1608 Property Market Study Em3
Commercial Property Market Study, M3 Corridor