Estate Regeneration - Residential
Estate Regeneration - Residential
We work for large residential estate owners, London Boroughs and Homes England on estate regeneration projects throughout the UK. This often involves working as part of a multi-disciplinary team to appraise the options for decant and development.
Options Studies
We work with urban designers to carry out options assessments and regeneration strategies for existing residential estates. This will typically involve providing property market and viability advice, initially on scheme options and then through the planning process.
The estates provide a challenge from a viability perspective as there are usually significant abnormal costs associated with demolishing redundant residential blocks and remediating land.
AspinallVerdi were commissioned by Calderdale Council as part of a multi-disciplinary team responsible for securing outline planning permission for a residential development of up 140 new homes at Beech Hill estate in Halifax. We were part of a team instructed by the London Borough of Hackney to undertake an options study to assess the redevelopment of the De Beauvoir Estate.
Feasibility Studies
We carry out comprehensive financial feasibility studies and technical studies (as part of multi-disciplinary teams). Bespoke financial modelling of all major mixed-use regeneration and development opportunities. We have a proven track record in modelling detailed cashflows with multiple funding streams over lengthy time scales using bespoke Excel and proprietary software packages such as Argus Developer.
We were commissioned to carry out a feasibility study for the redevelopment of this 1960s shopping parade at Westcliffe Scunthorpe by North Lincs Council and Ongo. Key requirements were the re-provision of a retail parade, the development of new housing for the over 55s and the construction of a new community centre and library. We carried out comprehensive soft market testing with retailers/developers and prepared appraisals and sensitivity analysis to inform the scheme development. We also provided vacant possession and decant strategy for the site; delivery structures; procurement routes; and a comprehensive risk matrix.
Community Consultation
Successful development relies on support from the wider community and we work in partnership with all stakeholders. The wider community will generate value by living, working and spending money in the estate. We have deployed a range of consultation techniques from traditional exhibitions and charettes; to 1-to-1 stakeholder consultation; to online mapping and social media.
For further information about our services browse our case studies