Asset / Estate Management Strategies - Health / Education
Asset / Estate Management Strategies - Health / Education
We provide Asset and Estate Management Strategies mainly for public sector clients in the health and education sector. This often involves working in multi-disciplinary teams to understand the options for service delivery and development.
Estate Strategy
We work with public sector landowners to maximise the potential of their estates. We will review the clients aims and objectives, audit their current estates and advise on the planning opportunities and constraints in respect of the sale of the sites.
We will engage where necessary with the Local Planning Authority and agree comprehensive development briefs for surplus sites. This could involve multi-disciplinary teams to test design options and carry out technical feasibility studies.
For example, AspinallVerdi was retained by RDASH (Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber) NHS Trust to advise on the development of surplus land at St Catherine’s Hospital.
We can lead or form part of multi-disciplinary teams to prepare the business case for the development of new and surplus assets. This could involve, for example, carrying out extensive soft market testing to consult with potential developers, investors and occupiers; providing options appraisals for the business case; acting as ‘critical friend’ and providing check-and-challenge to the client team in respect of deliverability, risk and viability.
For example, we were instructed by Carlisle City Council, Cumbria County Council, University of Cumbria, Cumbria LEP as part of a multi-disciplinary team, to prepare an OBC for the redevelopment of the Carlisle Citadels, located at the southern extent of Carlisle City Centre. The site comprises the street block encompassing English St, Victoria Viaduct and English Damside including the Grade 1 listed Citadel buildings (Crown Court Citadel to the west and Nisi Prius to the east).
Disposal of Surplus Land
We can extract the maximum value from land for our landowner clients when selling as part of a redevelopment scheme. This includes the preparation of development briefs, obtaining planning permission and marketing the site.
We can advise on the sale of development land subject to planning. This involves ensuring the comprehensive heads of terms are agreed for any price deductions during the site due diligence and planning process.
We undertake Red Book valuations to support the negotiations for the acquisition and disposal of development sites for clients. We are regularly required to produce ‘Franking Valuations’ for Homes England and other public bodies follow a period of marketing.
We have a cloud-based CRM (Contact Relationship Management) system which contains GPDR compliant databases of property requirements. We use Sharepoint to create data rooms for the sharing of technical and marketing documentation.
Following an estates strategy review for RDASH (Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber) NHS Trust at St Catherine’s Hospital we disposed of two sites Fulwood Road and Weston Road Doncaster.
For further information about our services browse our case studies