Case Studies

Citadels, Carlisle - Outline Business Case

Cumbria County Council, Carlisle City Council, University of Cumbria, and Cumbria LEP


As part of a multi-disciplinary team, AspinallVerdi were commissioned to provide an outline business case for this flagship project within Carlisle City Centre. The Citadels are two grade 1 listed towers dating from the 16th century and re-built in the 1800’s. This site is located adjacent to the station and provides a gateway to the City. Cumbria County Council is working with Carlisle City Council, University of Cumbria, and Cumbria LEP to repurpose the historic Citadel buildings and redevelop the area immediately to the north-west of the western tower. Whilst the historic buildings will be conserved, the remaining properties will be demolished to provide space for new-build development in this area. The preferred option is for a comprehensive redevelopment of the site led by the delivery of a new c. 14,000 sqm campus for the University of Cumbria as the anchor occupier that will occupy around 75% of the site. In addition, there are opportunities for commercial development and activities on the remainder of the site.

Services Provided

AspinallVerdi’s role within the multi-disciplinary team was to provide commercial and financial viability input into the business case. We have specifically:

  • Conducted commercial market research to enable us to advise on viable and deliverable uses within the masterplan
  • Commented on the commercial implications of the layout and scale of development within the masterplan options
  • Appraised the financial viability of a short list of options and advised on which options should be taken forward for further appraisal and analysis Soft market tested the site to potential occupiers, developers and investors. This has enabled us to identify the most viable and deliverable option as well as to advise the Council on next steps and routes to delivery. 
2008 Carlisle Citadels Options Study
Citadels, Carlisle - Outline Business Case