Case Studies
Former Electrolux Site, Spennymoor
Estate Regeneration - Residential
Property Market Analysis
Site Disposal / Developer Selection
Homes England
AspinallVerdi have been instructed as part of a multi-disciplinary team submitting a reserved matters planning application for a residential development on behalf of Homes England. AspinallVerdi’s role is to provide property advice in terms of viability, deal with acquisition of ancillary land and handle the disposal.
AspinallVerdi have provided the following services:
- Soft market testing phase one residential land with developers to inform design development and method of disposal.
- Soft market testing phase three commercial land with potential end users.
- Red Book Valuation report to support the purchase price of the office and industrial premises.
- Negotiated the acquisition of office and industrial building which would extend the red line of the site.
A planning application has been submitted for the phase one residential land which AspinallVerdi will be bringing to the market in due course.
Homes England have proceeded with the acquisition.
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