Case Studies

Kettering Part 2 Local Plan Viability

Planning Policy – Plan Viability, CIL, Strategic Sites, Employment Land

Kettering Borough Council

Our Roles

AspinallVerdi has been appointed by Kettering Borough Council to provide financial viability advice in respect of the Council’s emerging Part 2 Local Plan.

 The primary aim of the commission is to produce an up-to-date viability assessment, which will form a robust and sound evidence base to support the local authority through Regulation 19 of the plan-making process.  The study will establish recommendations on the viability and delivery of local policies, non-strategic development sites for the borough to inform the preparation of the Part 2 Local Plan.

Work Undertaken

We undertook the following tasks for the council:

  • Conducted property market research for residential, specialist residential, retail and commercial sectors across the Borough
  • Completed a policy review of the emerging Part 2 policies which impact viability
  • Developed a typologies matrix of site and scheme typologies of the development likely to come forward across the Borough in the plan period
  • Carried out land value research to establish Benchmark Land Values
  • Carried out a stakeholder workshop and public consultation Completed detailed appraisals and sensitivity analysis to make recommendations to align the affordable housing and policy requirements 


The viability study made clear recommendations that the 30-40% affordable housing policy across the borough was viable.

 AspinallVerdi will amend the report accordingly once Regulation 19 representations are received. We will then support the council through Examination in Public

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Kettering Part 2 Local Plan Viability