Case Studies
Unlocking Employment Sites
Funding Due Diligence
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning
Central Bedfordshire Council
AspinallVerdi were appointed by Central Bedfordshire Council to undertake a study which identified the means of accelerating development on 17 employment sites selected by the Council. The key aim being the need to improve the levels of employment on these sites.
Services Provided
AspinallVerdi undertook the following tasks:
- Analysis of all relevant baseline evidence related to identified sites, including site visits.
- Analysis of commercial property market in all areas of Central Bedfordshire.
- Meeting with Council Economic and Planning Officers.
- Initial meetings and consultations with land owners, developers and agents.
- Identified issues preventing full and/or comprehensive development of the sites.
- Development of options for possible intervention and assessment of options.
- Prioritisation of sites based on likelihood of a successful outcome as a result of intervention.
The outcome of the analysis was a report which: provided an evaluation of the existing sites; understanding of the barriers to development; and the actions/initiatives that the Council could adopt to accelerate development.
A number of recommendations were made including: drafting S106 clauses to ensure proper marketing of employment sites as part of wider residential developments; potential use of a TIF; and the preparation of development frameworks to help unlock schemes. We have subsequently been retained to take forward a number of the recommendations made within our report.
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