Case Studies
Westcliff District Centre
Estate Regeneration - Residential
Funding Due Diligence
Site Disposal / Developer Selection
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning
Feasibility Study
AspinallVerdi was commissioned as part of a multidisciplinary team led by Spawforths Architects to carry out a feasibility study for the redevelopment of this 1960’s shopping parade.
The 2.5 hectares site was in the joint ownership of North Lincolnshire Council and North Lincolnshire Homes RSL.
Key requirements were: the re-provision of a retail parade; the development of new housing for the over 55’s; and the construction of a new community centre and library.
AspinallVerdi carried out a comprehensive softmarket testing exercise of retailers/developers and prepared comprehensive Pro-Dev appraisals and sensitivity analysis to inform the scheme development.
Added Value
In addition to the financial modelling AspinallVerdi were able to provide valuable advice in respect of:
- The vacant possession and decant strategy for the site;
- Delivery structures in order to deliver the retail and community aspects of the scheme ‘upfront’;
- Procurement routes to maximise the marketability of the scheme to developer partners;
- The rationale for partnership working between NLC/NLH and the apportionment of any development surplus; and
- A comprehensive risk matrix and mitigation strategy.